NEXT PORT MEETING. November 13, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
2020 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO BE DISCUSSED. At this meeting Port Commissioners will receive public comments on the Port’s 2020 budget. The proposed preliminary budget: POI Preliminary 2020 Budget
ONE WEEK LATER. November 20, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO BE DISCUSSED. The Port of Illahee has failing floats and pilings among other issues, that require major funding to correct. The Port needs to update its Comprehensive Plan to be eligible for grant funding in the 2020 grant cycle, and the Comprehensive Plan is the first step in the process. Public comments will be received at this important meeting.
PUBLIC WELCOME! Note the Port of Illahee will be meeting at a NEW LOCATION for the forseeable future, 8050 Illahee Road, the “Seeds of Grace” building (formerly the Gilberton Community Club building). The reason for the change is the lower level of the Port of Brownsville’s Annex, where the Port of Illahee has been meeting, has been rented out and the upper level that has been offered to the Port for meetings is a shop area, accessible by garage doors and without heating.
PUBLIC REQUEST FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY. The change of meeting locations was at the request of 6 Illahee residents with mobility issues that Port meetings be accessible for them, as they were when the Port was meeting outside of the abandoned Illahee Store during the summer/fall months.
POI 2019-10-09 Voucher Approval (1)
NEXT ALL PORTS MEETING The next Kitsap All Ports meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 28, 2019 @ 6:30 PM at the Port of Brownsville – 9790 Ogle Road NE, Bremerton 98311.
Agenda will be announced later.
Quarterly Kitsap All Ports July 29 Meeting Minutes (Provided for information only) POI All Ports meeting minutes 2019-07-29