

RCW 53.35.010

Preliminary budget.

On or before the 15th day of September of each year each port commission shall prepare a preliminary budget of the port district for the ensuing fiscal year showing the estimated expenditures and the anticipated available funds from which all expenditures are to be paid.

RCW 53.35.020

Publication of notice of preliminary budget and hearing.

Following the preparation of the preliminary budget, the port commission shall publish a notice stating that the preliminary budget of the port district has been prepared and placed on file at the office of the port district; that a copy thereof may be obtained by any taxpayer at an address set forth in the notice; that the commission will meet at a date, hour and place set forth in the notice, such date to be not earlier than September 15th and not later than the first Tuesday following the first Monday in October, for the purpose of fixing and adopting the final budget of the port district for the ensuing year. The notice shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper of the district, or if there is none, in any newspaper of general circulation in the county, the first publication to be not less than nine days nor more than twenty days prior to the date of the hearing.

RCW 53.35.030

Hearing—Final budget.

On the day set by the notice provided for in RCW 53.35.020 the commission shall meet at the place and hour designated for the purpose of a hearing on the budget and adoption of a final budget. Any person may present objections to the preliminary budget following which the commission shall, by resolution adopt a final budget.

RCW 53.35.040

Final budget to be filed with county commissioners.

It shall be the duty of the commissioners of port districts, for the purpose of levying port district taxes, to file with the clerk of the board of county commissioners on or before the Wednesday next following the first Monday in October in each year a certified copy of such final budget which shall specify the amounts to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property in the port district.

RCW 53.35.045

Alternate date for filing final budget.

Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the board of commissioners of a port district may file with the clerk of the county legislative authority a certified copy of the port district final budget, provided for in RCW 53.35.040, on the first Monday in December. The board of port commissioners may also set other dates relating to the budget process, including but not limited to the dates set in RCW 53.35.010 and 53.35.020 to conform to the alternate date for final budget filing.



2024 Budget Preliminary

2023 Preliminary Budget

POI 2022 Preliminary Budget

2021 Preliminary Budget

2019-04 Adoption of the 2020 Final Budget

2019-05 Levy Limit Increase

2019 Final Budget

Levy Cert

2018-03 Adoption of the 2019 Final Budget

2018-04 Levy Increase


2018 LEVY Certification

2017 Budget

2017 Levy Certification

2016 Budget

2016 Expenditures

2015 Budget

2015 Expenditures


2024 Warrents/Voucher Approvals

POI 2024-01-10 Voucher Approval (1)
POI 2024-02-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2024-03-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2024-04-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2024-05-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2024-06-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2024-07-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2024-08-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2024-09-11Voucher Approval

2023 Warrants/Voucher Approvals

POI 2023-01-11 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-02-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-03-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-04-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-05-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-06-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-07-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-08-09 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-09-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-10-11 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-11-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2023-12-13 Voucher Approval

2022 Warrants/Voucher Approvals

POI 2022-01-21 Interim Voucher Approval

POI 2022-02-09 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-03-09 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-04-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-05-11 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-06-08 Voucher Approval

POI 2022-07-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-08-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-09-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-10-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-11-09 Voucher Approval
POI 2022-12-14 Voucher Approval

2021 Warrants/Voucher Approvals

POI 2021-01-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-02-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-03-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-04-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-05-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-06-09 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-07-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-08-11 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-09-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-10-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-11-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2021-12-08 Voucher Approval

2020 Warrants/Voucher Approvals

POI 2020-01-08 Voucher Approval

POI 2020-02-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2020-03-11 Voucher Approval
POI 2020-04-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2020-06-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2020-05-13 Voucher Approval

POI 2020-07-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2020-08-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2020-09-09 Voucher Approval (3)
POI 2020-10-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2020-11-11 Voucher Approval
POI 2020-12-09 Voucher Approval

2019 Warrants/Voucher Approvals

POI 2019-01-09 Voucher Approval
POI 2019-02-15 Interim Voucher Approval
POI 2019-03-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2019-04-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2019-05-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2019-06-12 Voucher Approval POI 2019-06-12 Interim Voucher Approval
POI 2019-07-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2019-08-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2019-09-11 Voucher Approval (1)
POI 2019-10-09 Voucher Approval (1)
POI 2019-11-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2019-12-11 Voucher ApprovalPOI 2019-11-25 Interim Voucher Approval

2018 Warrants/Voucher Approvals

POI 2018-01-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-02-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-03-14 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-04-11 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-05-09 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-06-13 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-07-11 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-08-08 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-09-12 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-10-10 Voucher Approval
POI 2018-11-14 Voucher Approval

POI 2018-12-14 Voucher Approval

2017 Warrants

Jan 2017 Warrants
Feb 2017 Warrants
Mar 2017 Warrants
Apr 2017 Warrants
May 2017 Warrants
Jun 2017 Warrants
July 2017 Warrants
Aug 20`7 Warrants
Sept 2017 Warrants
Oct 2017 Warrants
Nov 2017 Warrants
Dec 2017 Warrants

2016 Warrants

Jan 2016 Warrants
Feb 2016 Warrants
Mar 2016 Warrants
Apr 2016 Warrants
May 2016 Warrants
Jun 2016 Warrants
Jul 2016 Warrants
Aug 2016 Warrants
Sept 2016 Warrants
Oct 2016 Warrants
Nov 2016 Warrants
Dec 2016 Warrants

2015 Warrants



2014 Warrants


Oct 2014
Nov 2014
Dec 2014

2013 Warrants

